About / Bio
Natasha Nedrick Adzudzor
Minister of Discipleship
Rev. Natasha Nedrick Adzudzor is a preacher, consultant and Empowerment Coach. Natasha accepted her call to ministry in 2012 and she founded her business Empowering Imprints in 2016. As an empowerment coach Natasha activates faith-based entrepreneurs to unlock their purpose, monetize their gifts, and establish their legacy. Natasha served as a consultant for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and as a Safe Guarding & Prevention Specialist for GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Church Environment). Natasha has been a feature writer for Baptist News Global, Baptist Women in Ministry and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Natasha has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Emory University and a Master of Divinity from Truett Seminary at Baylor University. Natasha has served in various ministry roles including as a Community Organizer, Christian Education Minister, Associate Pastor, Global Missions Project Specialist, and Ministry Coordinator.
Natasha currently serves as the Minister of Discipleship at historic Central Baptist Church in St. Louis where she oversees the discipleship, fellowship, outreach, mission, assimilation ministries.